5 Tips to Stay Pest Free When Working from Home

We’ve all had to make adjustments with the way we work over the last year, but you probably haven’t thought about how it affects the pests lurking around your house. As more people use their home as a primary workspace, often sharing space with their children for remote learning, their is bound to me more clutter, messes, and garbage; inevitably leading to pest related issues. Here are several key tips for keeping your home pest free when you’re spending more time inside.

  1. Wipe down countertops - Any time you are preparing food or finish eating, make sure to wipe down countertops and clean off any dirty surfaces around your kitchen. Surgery residues and crumbs left behind attract unwanted ants.

  2. Keep dishes out of the sink - Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink for extended periods of time. Leaving out used dishes out with food particles provides food sources for roaches, ants, and flies.

  3. Move trash away from the house - Many people place trash bags on their porch or patio overnight. Refrain from doing this as much as possible. Leaving plastic bags outside attracts everything from roaches to rats. If you use a rollaway waste container or recycling bins, make sure to wash them down with soap and water every few weeks.

  4. Clean out your pantry - It’s understandable that you may have stocked up on extra food supplies this past year. But it’s important to throw away expired packages, unused fruits and vegetables, and grains that can harbor weevils, beetles, and other pantry pests.

  5. Check your packages - We all seem to get daily deliveries from online retailers and food delivery services, but sometimes that convenience comes with unwanted stowaways. Shipping containers, warehouses, and fulfillment centers are notorious for roaches, ants, and other pests, and sometimes those bugs make their way into your packages. Make sure to wipe down boxes and inspect all packages before opening them inside your home. Also, once opened, breakdown cardboard and place it outside in your recycling bin as quickly as possible.

For more useful insights, schedule a free consultation with one of our pest control experts by going to www.clementspestcontrol.com/freeconsultation